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  • Writer's pictureSavannah Wright

What is Permaculture? Why you Should Use It!

Permaculture was developed in the 1970s by Bill Mollinson and David Holmgren. The system was designed to have a higher degree of inter-linkage. ”Waste” outputs from one part of the system were now being used as inputs for another part. The idea is a closed cycle, where outputs become inputs, requiring no primary inputs and producing no waste products. Permaculture design tends to produce multi-layered and highly interlinked systems, representing natural ecosystems. Permaculture is a great way to save space in your yard. You can plant in levels creating a symbiotic relationship between plants. Permaculture is sustainable because the energy required to establish and maintain the system is less than the energy extracted from the system over its lifetime. This is achieved through a number of techniques such as "closing the loop" on waste products through the use of highly interconnected systems. All you need to do is water the crops and do mulching from time to time. Permaculture helps your property withstand the effects of climate change and continue to be productive. It's also an agricultural practice that's healthier to the environment, allowing for sustainable production for longer periods of time.

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