Many people think that cattle raising is detrimental to our environment but it is actually beneficial. Properly pastured grass fed cattle can yield more meat and the product is better for your health. Since grass fed beef is leaner it is higher in key nutrients. It has been tied to improve immunity as well reduce inflammation in the body. Because grass fed cattle are constantly being moved to fresh pastures the manure is being evenly distributed creating lush soil perfect for forage growth. These benefits translate to a reduced carbon footprint. Grass fed cattle's counterpart, grain fed cattle, is cheaper but it is a fattier cut of beef. Grain fed cattle provides no nutrients to the soil because they are not grazing pastures, distributing manure, or creating lush soil. Grain fed cows are often cooped up in stalls and do not have the freedom to roam about the green pastures. I believe that grass fed cattle is not only beneficial for our health but for our environment.
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