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  • Writer's pictureSavannah Wright

Have a Lawn? Why not grow a Garden!

Throughout time food has been harvested, packaged, and flown thousands of miles. This method is not only bad for the environment but it is not fresh. Last summer in my community I helped plant community gardens. We grew and harvested our food and sold it to our community. This is a great way to get involved in your community and help our environment. Food travels such long distances and in the end increases the carbon footprint. Why not take agriculture to the "village" level. This ensures fresh produce with little waste. When food is grown at the "village" level all of the plant is used. For example in supermarkets you see carrots without the tops but when food is grown locally you can use all parts of the plant. If you have a lawn you can easily grow a garden. Last summer Boundless Landscapes and I grew fresh produce in peoples yards! Localized farming is the future so get involved!

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